Repeached: Donald J. Trump Makes History

Ryan Nehring
3 min readJan 14, 2021
“Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

In honor of his historic achievement, I gift unto the world my single greatest linguistic creation: repeached. Yesterday, Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, was impeached, for a second time, for incitement of insurrection following the storming of the capitol building on January 6th.

That he was impeached again is not surprising given the current makeup of the House of Representatives. More galling, undoubtedly, is that in this go-around, ten Republicans broke ranks and voted alongside House Dems in supporting impeachment.

As details continue to emerge regarding the riot, there will likely be many more consequences for other elected officials as well. It has now become clear that tours of the Capitol building were being held by congressional officials the day before the riot, and that many of the insurrectionists had detailed plans and blueprints of the Capitol building, including locations of unmarked offices for Speaker Pelosi and others.

Most jarring perhaps is the revelation that panic buttons were stripped out of some members of congress’s offices, including Squad member, Ayanna Presley.

Investigations into individual rioters have now been opened and are ongoing and expanding. It is expected investigations into seditionist behavior by sitting members of…



Ryan Nehring

I’m a Developer, Activist, Husband & Father. Romani-American. On Twitter @Ryan_Nehring or at Top writer in Politics, Design & Tech.